Southwest Florida Shoreline Studies
Come study SW Florida's bays and beaches with us....
SW Florida Shoreline Studies
SW Shoreline News
This blog is dedicated to the environmental well-being of our Florida coastal habitat.
This blog is
dedicated to the environmental well-being of coastal habitat.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Bruce Dayton leads Blind Pass beach and trail walk
Beach Talk
Ghost crab
hole (above) and tracks (below)
(Tire tracks and shoe tracks included to confuse you!)
Muhly Grass has lavender flower spikes in the Fall.
It grows in very dry locations and is salt tolerant.
Sea Purselane
The leaves of this plant are edible!
Prickly Pear Cactus: In the Spring, it will have beautiful yellow flowers.
Gopher Tortoise
The spiny back orb weaver stretches his web across paths in hammocks near the shore.
Native coontie
In winter, it will produce bright red cone-like blooms.
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